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Audience-targeted PPC optimization

Written by Anders Lange | Sep 29, 2024 4:00:00 PM

One of the best PPC methods is audience targeting. It lets advertisers target specific user groups more likely to engage with adverts and buy. Your campaigns' CTR, conversions, and ROI can be greatly improved via audience targeting. This post will explain how audience targeting can improve PPC campaigns.

What is PPC audience targeting?

Using demographics, habits, interests, and past interactions, audience targeting segments your adverts to present to specified groups. Advertisers can target users most likely to engage with their content or products. Search history, browsing trends, and website or ad engagement can provide audience targeting data.

Audience Targeting Types

Demographical Targeting

Demographic targeting lets you contact people by age, gender, household income, education, or parenting status. This is helpful when your product or service targets specific demographics.
Example: A luxury travel agency may market exclusive holiday packages to high-earners or childless couples.
Tip: Create audience segments that match your target consumer profile using Google Ads demographic criteria.

Behavioral Targeting

How it works: Behavioral targeting targets individuals based on their online activity, such as websites, searches, and purchases. This lets advertisers target consumers by their online behavior or past encounters.
Data: Since behavioral targeting targets interested consumers, a study found that it can boost CTR and conversion rates by 20%.
Fitness equipment retailers can target consumers who have searched for or bought gym equipment.

Preferred Audiences

Method: Affinity audiences target people by long-term interests and lifestyles. Google Ads groups users into affinity audiences like "Foodies" and "Sports Enthusiasts."
Running shoe companies may target a "Outdoor Enthusiast" affinity demographic because they are inclined to prefer outdoor fitness.
Tip: Reach brand-aligned customers with affinity audiences.

Present Audiences

It works: Advertising to in-market audiences targets consumers who are actively exploring or comparing similar items and services. These users are generally closer to buying, making them excellent conversion candidates.
Google reports that targeting in-market consumers increases conversion rates by 10%.
Example: A car dealership may target people who recently searched for car models or dealerships and are looking for a new automobile.


It works: Remarketing (or retargeting) lets advertisers re-engage website visitors who didn't buy. Remarketing ads maintain your brand in front of product-interested users.
Tip: Use dynamic remarketing to offer customers products they've visited on your site to encourage purchases.
Example: An online store can utilize remarketing to target abandoned shopping cart users with a discount or free shipping ad.

Custom Audiences

Custom audiences combine keywords, websites, and apps relevant to your business to create distinct audience groups. You can target visitors who have viewed industry or rival content.
A travel company might target people who have visited competition travel booking sites or searched for holiday deals with a tailored audience.
Improving PPC Campaigns through Audience Targeting Refine Audience Segments

Create audience segments based on demographics, activity, and interests. Pick high-performing audience groups using historical campaign performance and customer data.
Tip: Use historical performance data to identify audience segments with the best ROAS and allocate more funding to them.

Adjust Bids Based on Audience Performance

Adjust bids based on audience performance to maximize return. You may wish to raise bids for in-market audiences and lower them for less engaged ones.
Data: WordStream says audience-based bid tweaks can boost ROAS by 10-15%.
Tip: Adjust bids for different audience segments based on performance in Google Ads.

Customize Ad Copy and Design

How to: Target specific audiences with ad language and images. Hurry-driven message like "Limited Time Offer" or "Hurry, While Stocks Last!" works effectively in-market.
Example: To target parents, emphasize family-friendly products or services with convenience or cost-saving features.
Tip: Dynamic advertisements can automatically show customers products they've seen on your site.

Combine Keywords and Audience Targeting

How to: Combining audience and keyword targeting ensures your advertising reach more likely convertors, even for wide search terms. Use broad match keywords and audience groups to reach buyers at different stages.
Audience targeting and keyword techniques enhance CTR by 25%, according to Google Ads.

Use in-market audiences and high-intent keywords to boost conversions.

A/B Test Audiences

To identify which audience segments work best for your business, test them regularly. Compare affinity groups, demographics, and bespoke audiences with A/B tests.
To optimise campaigns, try multiple ad forms, messages, and targeting.

Use Search Ad Remarketing Lists

  • How to: Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) let you target website visitors with search campaigns. Set targeted bids or create personalized adverts to convert brand-aware users.
  • Tip: Bid more for customers that visited high-value product pages or abandoned their cart.

Common Mistakes to Avoid: - Broad Targeting

  • Problem: Broad audiences may increase impressions but lower conversion rates, wasting ad expenditure. Focused approaches boost engagement and ROAS.
  • Solution: Apply demographic and behavioral criteria to your targeting and allocate more funding to your best-performing segments.

Ignoring Audience Data

  • Problem: Not monitoring audience performance can cost campaigns optimization.
  • Monitor performance data to identify high- and low-performing audiences.
  • Solution: Google advertising audience data can help you track how various groups respond to your advertising and adapt your strategy.

Not targeting negative audiences

Problem: Advertising to irrelevant audiences loses money and lowers campaign efficiency. Failure to eliminate categories can impair performance.
Solution: Use negative audience lists to eliminate unrelated demographics and converted users.


Optimizing PPC advertising requires audience targeting to reach more likely people who will click and convert. You may increase your strategy and ad performance by using demographic, behavioral, affinity, in-market, and remarketing audiences. Audience data, personalized ad messaging, bid modifications, and continual testing will boost CTR, conversion rates, and ROI in your PPC campaign.