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Dynamic Search Ads: Setup and Optimization

Written by Anders Lange | Sep 27, 2024 4:00:00 PM


Google Ads' Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) enable businesses reach potential clients searching for their products or services without manually entering a long list of keywords. DSA automatically generates user-specific headlines and landing pages from your website content. This makes it ideal for advertising with vast websites or product catalogs. This article discusses how to build up and configure DSAs for greater campaign results.

What is Dynamic Search Ads.

Dynamic Search Ads link search queries with website content. Google's web crawling technology indexes your website and matches searches with relevant pages. Google dynamically generates an ad headline and chooses the best landing page for a search query that fits your content. This avoids manually entering keywords or creating product-specific advertising.

A visitor searches for "leather handbags," and your website sells them, DSA will generate a headline like "Buy Leather Handbags Online" and connect users to the product page. This automated procedure eliminates manual work and broadens search targets.

Dynamic Search Ads—Why?

Massive product catalogs on websites

Manually developing advertising for each product or keyword on a website with hundreds or thousands of products seems wasteful and time-consuming. DSA lets you cover more ground without managing every keyword and ad content variant.

Capture Long-Tail Keywords

DSAs assist you get long-tail search traffic that a keyword campaign may miss. Long-tail keywords often represent intent-driven searches and convert better.

Automation Saves Time

  • DSA streamlines ad generation, freeing up time to optimize targeting and landing pages.
  • Creating Dynamic Search Ads
  • Set up Dynamic Search Ads
  • Start by creating a Google Ads search campaign and choosing your marketing goal (sales, leads, website traffic). Put your website URL and Dynamic Search Ads campaign type in the setup. Google pulls stuff here to generate adverts and determine relevancy.

Select Your Targets

  • Target All Web Pages: Allow Google to generate adverts for relevant content on all your site pages.
  • You can target specific product or service categories from your site to focus on more relevant portions.
  • Target URLs with Specific Words: This option lets you target URLs with specific words, giving you more control over which parts of your site are included in the campaign.

Make Ad Copy

DSA produces headlines from user queries and page content, unlike traditional advertisements. You must still describe the ad. This explanation should be brief, relevant, and include a CTA.

Create Bid Strategies

Pick a bidding strategy that fits your campaign. To maximize conversions or return on ad expenditure, use Maximize Conversions or Target ROAS. This optimizes bids automatically based on performance.

Exclude unwanted pages

Excluding irrelevant or low-quality pages is crucial to DSA campaign setup. Out-of-stock products, obsolete landing pages, and non-conversion-optimized areas of your site may be excluded. This avoids wasting money on advertising that go to useless pages.

Start Your Campaign

Launch your Dynamic Search Ads campaign after setting everything up. Based on your website's content, Google will automatically produce adverts and match them to relevant searches.

Dynamic Search Ad Performance Optimization

Check Search Terms Often

DSAs use Google's algorithm to match inquiries to site content, so check the search terms report periodically. This report indicates which searches activate your advertising, helping you ensure they appear for relevant searches. To avoid advertising being triggered by unrelated inquiries, add them to your negative keyword list.

  • Search phrases should be reviewed regularly to improve targeting and marketing performance.

Add Negative Keywords

DSA optimization requires negative keywords to filter out unnecessary queries that waste ad spend. You may wish to remove terms like "cheap watches" or "budget watches" if you sell expensive watches to avoid low-quality traffic.

  • Tips: Update your negative keyword list as your campaign data grows to ensure only relevant searches trigger your advertising.

Landing Page Testing and Optimization

DSAs automatically select landing pages from your website, thus they must be conversion-optimized. Improve landing page design, load speed, and CTA positioning by testing regularly.

  • Google says boosting landing page speed can boost conversions by 20%. Landing page element testing can reveal which adjustments improve outcomes.

Use audience targeting

Combining DSA with audience targeting improves performance. You may utilize remarketing lists to target site visitors who haven't converted. Visitors familiar with your products or services are more likely to convert.

  • Data: Targeting past website visitors with audience targeting and DSA can boost conversion rates by 20 30%.

Correct Bid Adjustments

Maximize Conversions and Target ROAS automated bidding strategies can help you prioritize company goals. Check your bid performance and adjust for high-converting devices, locations, and times of day to maximize your ad budget.

Remove Underperforming Pages

Track which pages your DSA campaigns target. Exclude underperforming or high-bounce pages from your targeting. Your budget can focus on higher-converting pages that produce sales or leads.

  • Example: If a product page generates traffic but few conversions, it may be wiser to focus on product category sites or alternative items.

Dynamic Search Ad Best Practices

  • Optimize Your Website: DSAs draw information directly from your website, so make sure it's well-indexed, updated, and SEO-optimized. The better your website is structured, the better DSAs will match search queries.
  • Write Strong Ad Descriptions: While headlines are generated automatically, your description will influence clicks. Write brief, intriguing descriptions with clear CTAs that highlight your value offer.
  • Refine Campaigns with Performance Data: Assess and change your marketing performance regularly. You may need to refine your targeting, add negative keywords, or try bid methods.


Dynamic Search Ads let advertisers increase search traffic without manually monitoring keyword lists. DSA lets you easily target relevant searches and match them to your site's best pages using Google's automation. Optimize search phrases, eliminate irrelevant pages, and organize website content to convert to maximize DSA campaigns. Dynamic Search Ads can increase client acquisition and ROI with less manual effort when correctly configured and optimized.